Create Custom Alerts
on Any Market Data Combination

Financial Statements Data

Set alerts on any data from quarterly and annual financial statements.
Income Statement
data and financial ratios
Balance Sheet
data and financial ratios
Cash-Flows Statement
data and financial ratios

Insider Transactions & Signals

Use insider buy and sell insignals from 13 countries and create advanced insider signal alerts.
Cluster Buy Signal
Three or more insiders buying the stock within a three month period
Significant Signal
Insider purchases significant in terms of salary or holdings.
Re-Buy Signal
Insider making at least two transactions within a one year period, where second transaction is larger than the first one
Individual Insider Buy Transactions
Individual Insider Sell Transactions

Candlestick Chart Patterns

Use our proprietary chart pattern recognition to automate technical analysis for any asset on multiple chart resolutions.
Trend Reversing Patterns
Double-bottom, multiple-bottom, double-top, bullish head and shoulders pattern, bearish head and shoulders pattern
Price Momentum
Breakout, breakdown, golden cross, ascending triangle, descending triangle
Technical Analysis Indicators
MA, RSI, ADX, MACD and Bollinger bands

Price & Volume Alerts

Use predefined price and volume alerts or create custom.
Unusual Price
Unusual Volume
Large Moves After Earnings Announcement Alert
Custom Price and Volume Alerts

Official Company News

Eliminate the noise and focus on official company communication only.
Official Press Releases
Management Interviews
Regulatory Reports

Changes in Analyst Ratings

Know analyst ratings, target price changes and their historical success rate.
Upgrade and New Target Price
Change in Target Price Only
Downgrade and New Target Price

Merger & Acquisition Activity

Get alert on merger and acquisition offers.
Acquisition Offer Received
Acquisition Offer Made
Merger Proposal

Whale Transactions

Know when a hedge fund or a high-level politician is trading with a stock on your watchlist.
All-Star Fund Managers (George Soros, Warren Buffet, etc...)
High-Level Politician Trades
Hedge Fund Trades

Financial Research from All-Star Analysts

Stay ahead with research that moves the market.
Top Market Research Reports
All-Star Analysts' Market Opinions
Hedge Fund Memos
Other MarketAlerts Features